Dedicated professionally to journalism since 1962, he worked for nine months at the Odiel newspaper in Huelva. During this time, he was in charge of the Sunday pages "Tertulia de Odiel," one of the pioneering cultural supplements in the Spanish press. Parallel to these pages, the Santa Fe Group and the oral magazine Sorpresa were born, of decisive importance in the cultural history of Huelva in the 1960s, promoting the emergence of young talents from Huelva such as Seisdedos, Manuel Crespo, Paco Pérez, Tomás García Asencio, José María Vaz de Soto, José Antonio Gómez Marín, Manuel Pizán, Manolo Garrido, José Luis Gómez, or Jesús Quintero...
He has been the Editor-in-Chief of the Triunfo magazine and Deputy Director of Cambio 16. He has collaborated with the most important national newspapers and magazines such as ABC—where he has published more than 1500 articles—El País, Diario16, El Mundo, La Vanguardia, Nuevo Índice, Hermano Lobo, La Codorniz, Tiempo, Tribuna, Época, La Clave, Leer, as well as on television and radio (TVE, Antena 3, COPE, RNE...).
Continuing and renewing the great tradition of parliamentary journalism (Azorín, Fernández Flórez...), he is considered the parliamentary chronicler of the transition. His articles stand out for their subtle irony, well-established historical and literary knowledge, and a very personal, authentic style with great literary effectiveness.
A master of the interview and creator of a new genre, the "authentic fake interview," widely acclaimed by critics and readers.