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Cineforum for World Alzheimer's Day

Category: Actividades

On November 23, a Cineforum takes place at the Auditorium of the Jesús Hermida Communication Center organized by AFAlzheimer Huelva as part of the commemorative activities for World Alzheimer's Day.

The documentary "I Have Alzheimer's, But I'm Still Myself" is screened, followed by a discussion featuring the president of AFAlzheimer Huelva, Rocío Muñoz, and professionals from this association (Dr. Inés Bonilla, dementia expert, and AFA Huelva psychologist Eva Rodríguez), who answered numerous questions from the attendees, mostly caregivers of Alzheimer's and other dementia patients.

The documentary "I Have Alzheimer's, But I'm Still Myself" was produced by the Spanish Confederation of Alzheimer's and other dementias (CEAF), with the aim of perfectly reflecting the impact of the diagnosis on the individuals and members of the Panel of Experts of People with Alzheimer's (PEPA) who are featured in it. It explores how their lives change, their fears, their daily struggle against the disease, and their advocacy.

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